Case Study:
US Courthouse and US Postal Office

The U.S. Courthouse was our most interesting radon mitigation project. This structure is nine stories in height. The sub basement is beneath the below grade parking garage, leaving the sub basement slab over 20′ below grade. With the parking garage directly over the sub basement and the exhaust requirements of a parking facility, this situation created substantial negative pressure in the structure. The pressure differential between the sub basement and the sub slab environment were over 1/3″ w.c. The normal stack effect of a nine story structure would be approximately .050″ w.c. The amount of negative pressure in this particular structure is almost never encountered under normal conditions. Several methods for radon reduction were utilized to reduce the radon constrictions in the sub basement.

Active soil depressurization Repair of several HVAC Systems Sub basement pressurization

U.S. Post Office The U.S. Post Office had a radon mitigation system that was designed by our parent company, Thomas J. Gerard & Associates, Inc., and installed by the HVAC contractor during a complete remodel several years earlier.

Knowing the capabilities of the U.S. Post Office system we tied the two radon systems together and changed the fan from a 2 horsepower belt driven roof top blower to a 5 horsepower belt driven inline blower. The combined systems have 48 floor penetrations and approximately one city block of slab area. This is one of the largest radon mitigation systems in the U.S.

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